I consider myself a pretty savvy guy when it comes to getting info. I generally know where to look and who to talk to. However, I am completely puzzled when it comes to what order to do things for expanding and moving Rouge Roastery.
I have talked to the bank about getting money to expand and find retail space. At first they were very discouraging, but then they tell me they are having a meeting regarding my plan and will be in touch with what I need to provide. Not sure what that means, but clearly something is going on without me. I'll need to rectify that.
I have talked to a few realtors about buildings or space that I like, but having not gotten financing from the bank, I have no idea how much I can afford (Catch 22?). I know what you are thinking... "Big Dave, what's your business plan say??" See, though, that's the thing. I wrote the business plan to fit what I need. I can create it to show MORE money for MORE building, if I need to.
It's all very confusing. But in the end, if any of you are interested in investing in a business that is sure to be profitable...